
>> Final Workshop of the LIFESURE project (october-2018)


>> LIFESURE project present at the XV Road Conservation Conference. (may-2018)


>> LIFESURE project in the Circular Economy Workshop organized by Repsol Asfaltos. (november-2017)


>> LIFESURE project in the Circular Economy Workshop organized by Acciona Construcción. (november-2017)


>> LIFESURE project in the 14th forum PTEC. (november-2017) 


>> LIFESURE project in the IV Edition of INNOVACARRETERA´17 (november-2017) 


>> Witness extraction campaing on Mendez Alvaro street (august-2017)  


>> Documentation and videos of the Workshop held on 17 January are now available. (february-2017) 


>> Review in the Technological Platform of the Construction of the Sustainable Pavemet workshop. (december-2015)


>> LIFESURE proyect in "Ministerio de Fomento" magazine (april-2016)


>> Sustainable Pavement workshop at the city council of Madrid. (november-2015)


>> Auscultations at Mendez Alvaro Street. (september-2015)


>> Sacyr awarded by the Technological Platform of the Road for the best project in 2015 of Research Development and Innovation. (july-2015) 


>> Press releases in  "Cronica Norte" and "La Vanguardia" newspapers. (july-2015)


>> Telemadrid news shows beginning of LIFESURE project at demonstration site Mendez Alvaro street.  (july-2015)


>> LIFESURE project in Madrid council web. (july-2015)


>> LIFESURE project in  (july-2015)


>> New test sections at CEDEX track. (july-2015)


>> Antonio Ramírez´s presentation in Multisectorial of the Road 2015 (may-2015)


>> Beginning structural monitoring test sections at CEDEX test track. (january-2015) 


>> Test sections at CEDEX test track had been constructed. (december-2014)


>> LIFESURE project poster at Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente 2014. (november-2014)


>> The assembly of the prototype plant that will produce half-warm recycling asphalt is completed. We are working at start-up phase, performing calibrations and tests. (october-2014)


>> LIFESURE project at "Ingenieria Civil" magazine (octubre-2014)


>> The characterization of Asphalt Reclaimed from Pavement of Mendez Alvaro Street has been carried out and also half-warm bituminous mixtures called LIFESURE, have been designed with 100% Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and 70% RAP. (september-2014)


>> LIFESURE project in Monitor magazine (july-2014)


>> LIFESURE project in the special of recycling in RETEMA magazine  (july-2014)


>> SACYR and REPSOL awarded ASEFMA prize for best environmental practices in paving with the project "Temperate recycled mixtures with emulsion at full rate"    (june-2014)


>> News published at the Technical Magazine of the Environment. (may-2014)  


 >> Demonstration site at Madrid urban location will carried out in Mendez Alvaro street.


>> Information of the project published on the website of the city council of Madrid. (april-2014)


>> News published in the Spanish Technological Platform of the Construction. (april-2014) 


>> Assembly of the manufacturing plant has been completed. At the moment, the plant is being fine-tuning by carrying out the calibration and testing. (july-2014) 




Lifesure in twitter


Final Workshop of the LIFSURE project

05 October 2018

On October 17, 2018 at 4:30 p.m., the final workshop of the LIFESURE project will be held during the course of the National Signing Symposium that will take place in Madrid on October 16, 17 and 18. Simposio Nacional de Firmes

LIFESURE project present at the XV Road Conservation Conference

28 May 2018

LIFESURE project present at the XV Road Conservation Conference held in Valencia on 22, 23 and 24 May 2018. Presente y Futuro de la Conservación de Carreteras y la Preservación del Patrimonio.

LIFESURE project in the Circular Economy workshop Acciona Construcción

04 December 2017

LIFESURE project in the workshop "Promoting circular economy for a greener road construction" held on 22 November 2017 organized by Acciona Construction. Program ( Photos (index.php?option=com_content view=article id=331:fotos-jornada-ecocir-acciona-ingles catid=31:noticias-2)

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