Project progress

- Surveying sections at CEDEX test track.

IMG instrum7111


- Vehicles are applying loads for traffic simulation at CEDEX.

IMG 322


- Test section had been constructed at CEDEX test truck. Three sections: hot bituminous mixture, half-warm bituminous mixture 100% RAP and hal-warm bituminous mixture 70% RAP.

IMG 31


- The assembly of the prototype plant is completed. We are working at start-up phase, performing calibrations and tests.

IMG 5402 planta


- Half-warm bituminous mixtures called LIFESURE, have been designed with 100% Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and 70% RAP.


- Characterization of Asphalt Reclaimed from Pavement of Mendez Alvaro Street has been carried out.










Lifesure in twitter


Final Workshop of the LIFSURE project

05 October 2018

On October 17, 2018 at 4:30 p.m., the final workshop of the LIFESURE project will be held during the course of the National Signing Symposium that will take place in Madrid on October 16, 17 and 18. Simposio Nacional de Firmes

LIFESURE project present at the XV Road Conservation Conference

28 May 2018

LIFESURE project present at the XV Road Conservation Conference held in Valencia on 22, 23 and 24 May 2018. Presente y Futuro de la Conservación de Carreteras y la Preservación del Patrimonio.

LIFESURE project in the Circular Economy workshop Acciona Construcción

04 December 2017

LIFESURE project in the workshop "Promoting circular economy for a greener road construction" held on 22 November 2017 organized by Acciona Construction. Program ( Photos (index.php?option=com_content view=article id=331:fotos-jornada-ecocir-acciona-ingles catid=31:noticias-2)

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